Sky Russel spends a lot of time on the road like a cowboy should, and along the way his camera capture the everyday living of Skagit region and beyond. See the “World” Sky travels through

Closed – Skagit Images at Sno-isle Food Coop in March

Juxtamuse Funk Studio at 3019 Rucker Ave will supply time, space, materials and assistance for your assembly of a large wind chime mobile made of random surplus materials during our Everett art Walk over the next 3 months from 5 to 9pm. (Or until it is too cold). Work your […]

Closed “Juxtamuse” Funkart Studio

Visit Everett Improv during the Art walk featuring artist: Duane Kirby Jensen, Steve Allen, Ben Barber, Bill Dewey, Nancy Dewey, Chris Dunlap, Christina Jordan and Joanne Conger. We will also have: -artist pop-up tables -free popcorn and hot bevies -free mini improv shows all night long -beer and wine available […]

Closed – Everett Improv – March ArtWalk

Bean & Vine will feature: EVERETT SUNSETS – SUNSET PHOTOGRAPHS FROM EVERETT, WASHINGTON. Each night we are blessed with amazing sunsets looking west out over Port Gardner Bay in Everett, Washington. Enjoy them with us! Yessica Marquez “The only thing I know is that I paint because I need to, and […]

Closed – Bean & Vine Art Walk 2020

Remember to bring in or show the Everett Art Walk Map (can be found on Everett Art Walks website or Facebook) to receive a free glass of Merlot or Carmenere. 3006 Rucker Ave, next to the Snohomish Health Dept. 5 to 10pm

Closed – Port Gardner Bay Winery Artwalk March 2020

The Gallery at Tabby’s located in the historic Everett Library and is excited to showcase local artist Amanda Elzea. She has always been passionate art since childhood and it was an amazingly creative, emotional form of expression for her. Her inspirations come from emotions, life events, and experiences. Amanda will […]

Amanda Elzea at Tabby’s Coffee in February