Jag Artworks

Featuring: Raymond Brooks https://www.instagram.com/cosmic_spraypaintart, Jazzmine Love https://www.instagram.com/ink.lover.for.life, JAG https://www.instagram.com/jgrimarts, Sarah Molitch https://www.instagram.com/sarah_molitch Their space might be small, but hey, they have to start somewhere. Dedicated to artists of many mediums and if they don’t have it in store, they can order it for you! Find them at 1806 Hewitt Ave […]

Jag Art Works Features Artists

JAG ArtWorks will feature two artist this month. Josh Frunz and Josh Robinson their IG’s are Josh Robinson – https://www.instagram.com/joshrobinsonart and  Josh Frunz – https://www.instagram.com/jfrunzart>Miguel Ortiz and RubenThe Artist https://www.instagram.com/ruben.the.artist Formed in 2018, JAG ArtWorks is an Art Supply Store for Artists by Artists. Find them at 1806 Hewitt Ave […]

JAG ArtWorks features Josh Frunz & Josh Robinson