Tabby’s Coffee is thrilled to have two talented artist this month, Marlee Huber and Gloria Pulliam. Both talented artists will be participating in the January’s Everett Art Walk from 4 – 7 p.m. at 2702 Hoyt Ave. Gloria’s colorful artwork is inviting and makes you want to wander throughout the […]

Marlee Huber & Gloria Pulliam Featured at Tabby’s Coffee 4-7pm

Artspace Everett Lofts is an artist Community in downtown Everett dedicated to juicing up the Everett Art Scene with monthly offerings from our stable of professional artists, musicians, writers, thespians and educators. Come see what we are up to this month and join the party from 6-9pm at 2917 Hoyt, […]

Artspace Everett Lofts in January during Art Walk

Faithe’s photography will be on display during business hours for the public in our lobby through February 20th, 2019. Find her art at Solie Everett Artwalk January 17th, 2019 – Doors open:6pm-9pm. Enjoy refreshments, wheelchair access and free parking. Open mic night! Come practice your stage skills for your […]

E. Faithe Lester Featured Artists at Solie’s

Wood artisans Tony Saad, Ed Moore, Andrew Nicholls, Don Cooligan and Alan Charlson  will be showing their creations for the New Year at the Everett Art Walk in 2019. Be sure to stop in to Zamarama Gallery 2936 Colby Ave, Everett 98201 from 6-10pm.

The Wonderful World of Wood

The past 4 years Kippi has been discovering and practicing many different mediums and techniques through her experimental abstract work in charcoal, pastel and acrylic. It is through the discovery of inks and their unbridled fluidity that she found her art began to truly come to life and with which […]

Kiplee Art Featured at Sno-isle Food Coop January

Featuring: Raymond Brooks, Jazzmine Love, JAG, Sarah Molitch Their space might be small, but hey, they have to start somewhere. Dedicated to artists of many mediums and if they don’t have it in store, they can order it for you! Find them at 1806 Hewitt Ave […]

Jag Art Works Features Artists

E. Grace Dager uses traditional materials in her unique experimental process. First shown at Ballard’s Black Lab more than 2 decades ago, her large canvas hanging constructions push out uninhibitedly towards the viewer. And the following is a lucid dance with nature, canvas, gesso, paint, the way folds fall, shadow […]

“Back to Black-Challenging Visual Forms” at Black Lab Gallery